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The Penthouse 2021

The Penthouse 2021
Title: The Penthouse 2021
Ratings: 3.8/10
Runtime: 1h 28min
Genres: Thriller
Director: Massimiliano Cerchi
Writer: David Schifter
Actor: Michael Paré, Nicholas Turturro, Krista Grotte Saxon
Language: English
The Penthouse is a 2021 American thriller about a man covering up a crime who assumes a nosy neighbor may have seen what he did. A couple watches the sea and purchases the condo. The boaters, who moor in the shadow of their skyscraper, jokingly become their neighbors. When watching the comings and goings of one specific boater turns out to be in excess of a meddling peculiarity, several discover their lives threw topsy turvy by somebody they ought to have recently left alone. free movies afdah are streaming all the new movies in HD now.

2021, Thriller