Director: Roland Emmerich
Writers: Nicolas Wright (screenplay), James A. Woods (screenplay)
Stars: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill PullmanWe are just twenty years after humanity those alien invaders defeated a shitty operating system and the truth is that we have not done anything wrong. In this alternate 2016 wars between countries are a thing of the past and mankind moves toward the utopia of single government. And the military has a lot of new weapons and alien technology built vehicles. There ‘s even a base on the moon. This is where the July 4 reaches an enormous alien structure that seems to have hostile intentions, so the military’s fried and unusable. Nothing is further from reality; apparently the message from President Whitmore (Bill Pullman, who is now detained and head like a sack of trumpets with messages aliens back) came to the central world of aliens and an even larger force is back to crush our planet. The structure of the moon came to warn us . Ups. As expected, the massive destruction and war scenes occur lapidary phrases like crazy for two very ajustaditas hours and, sorprendemente, just to tie many loose ends from the previous film. In that there is a job worldbuilding (take palabro!) Very interesting, both in the technology of the aliens and the consequences of the war (there is a city-state on the ruins of the dish that fell in Africa at the end of the first film) and the legacy of the characters from the original.
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