Ratings: 5.7/10
Runtime: 1h 31m
Genres: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Mel Gibson
Writer: Jared Rosenberg
Actor: Michelle Dockery, Mark Wahlberg, Topher Grace
Language: English
Description: In Flight Risk 2025, US Marshal Madolyn Harris hires a plane to take Winston, an important witness, to Alaska. At first view, Darryl, her pilot, appears to be unnoticed, but Madolyn soon comes to believe that he is not who he seems. Tensions increase as the plane travels through the Alaskan wilderness, and it becomes clear that nobody on board is who they seem to be. She has to figure out who she can trust on the ground, so this becomes a struggle to remain ahead of the game. The story masterfully raises the tension as a plane navigates through storms and the forest with every possible danger. Every scene blends tension, action, and the characters’ emotional difficulties as they are put to the test. The development of Madolyn and Winston’s relationship highlights themes of bravery and unexpected unity in the face of hardship. Check out latest series and movies on Afdah movies website without any hidden cost.