Title: Girl in the Basement 2021
IMDB Rating: 6.3/10
Runtime: 1h 28min
Genres: Crime, Thriller
Director: Elisabeth Röhm
Writer: Manu Boyer, Leslie Greif, Barbara Marshal
Actor: Jake Etheridge, Sydney Kowalske, Liam Pileggi
Language: English
IMDB Rating: 6.3/10
Runtime: 1h 28min
Genres: Crime, Thriller
Director: Elisabeth Röhm
Writer: Manu Boyer, Leslie Greif, Barbara Marshal
Actor: Jake Etheridge, Sydney Kowalske, Liam Pileggi
Language: English
This movie is based real story. The girl is imprisoned in the basement of her home. She has been imprisoned by her dad. She is an 18 years old girl. Elisabeth is imprisoned for 24 years in the basement. This time she gave birth to SEVEN of his children. Three kids are raised in the basement with Elisabeth. three have been raised by Josef & his wife, and one was killed by Josef a few days after his birth. free movies afdah streaming site has a bundle of new movies, enjoy that also.
2021, Crime, Thriller
This movie is based real story. The girl is imprisoned in the basement of her home. She has been imprisoned by her dad. She is an 18 years old girl. Elisabeth is imprisoned for 24 years in the basement. This time she gave birth to SEVEN of his children. Three kids are raised in the basement with Elisabeth. three have been raised by Josef & his wife, and one was killed by Josef a few days after his birth. free movies afdah streaming site has a bundle of new movies, enjoy that also.