Title: Seduction & Snacks 2021
Ratings: 5.9/10
Runtime: 1h 38m
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Director: Colleen Davie Janes
Writer: Brian Frederich, Tara Sivec
Actor: Mela Green, Vince Hill-Bedford, India Batson
Language: English
Ratings: 5.9/10
Runtime: 1h 38m
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Director: Colleen Davie Janes
Writer: Brian Frederich, Tara Sivec
Actor: Mela Green, Vince Hill-Bedford, India Batson
Language: English
Description: Seduction & Snacks 2021 is a new Hollywood movie which is based on Colleen Davie Janes. The star cast of the movie is Mela Green, Vince Hill-Bedford, and India Batson. This film is taken from a book that is written by Tara Sivec. The plot follows the character of a twenty-year-old woman who is a single mom. She reluctantly helps her friend sell-out sex toys. She effort to make more cash to start her own business to give her foul-mouthed, but extremely loveable toddler a good life. When She, the casual from her past that changed her life forever, shows up in her hometown bar without any recollection of her beside her amazing chocolate perfume. With Carter’s undisguised shock at suddenly knowing about she has a four-year-old son. With she is undisguised shocked at unexpectedly knowing he has a four-year-old child and the story goes after it. Watch new Hollywood hits on Afdah movies of 2021 for free.