Title: Silo S01
Ratings: 8.1/10
Runtime: 59m
Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi
Director: Morten Tyldum
Writer: Hugh Howey, Graham Yost, Jeffery Wang
Actor: Rashida Jones, David Oyelowo, Common
Language: English
Ratings: 8.1/10
Runtime: 59m
Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi
Director: Morten Tyldum
Writer: Hugh Howey, Graham Yost, Jeffery Wang
Actor: Rashida Jones, David Oyelowo, Common
Language: English
Description: At some uncertain point in the future, there will only be a few thousand living humans left on Earth. In order to keep them safe while they wait for the Earth to heal from whatever poisonous catastrophe left it untenable, they have been imprisoned in a multilayer, self-sustaining, underground silo. Since a previous uprising wiped its history, no one is certain of the exact date or who erected the silo. Set designers and CGI masters had a field day creating a setting whose futuristic bones are now barely visible beneath shrouds of grime and the type of Heath Robinsonesque debris that is certain to gather in a locked human vault over time. Welcome guys to the Afdah movies online, it has compiled a collection from servals genres, languages, nations, etc.
2023, Afdah Tv Shows, Drama, Sci-Fi