Title: The Diplomat Season 01
Ratings: 8.1/10
Runtime: 50m
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Director: Simon Cellan Jones
Writer: Debora Cahn, Mia Chung
Actor: Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell, David Gyasi
Language: English
Ratings: 8.1/10
Runtime: 50m
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Director: Simon Cellan Jones
Writer: Debora Cahn, Mia Chung
Actor: Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell, David Gyasi
Language: English
Description: The Diplomat is a fantastic series for a variety of reasons. With the combination of comedy and drama at first, I thought it was still finding its voice, but as the chapters went on, everything came together and it was delightful. Russell and Sewell have a believable connection that made their relationship the most engaging part of each chapter outside of the political drama that drove the plot. All of the actors gave it their all throughout the production. Because of how quickly it moves along, it is perfect for binge-watching, but use caution because the conversation might be a little tricky to follow if you aren’t paying attention. Get free streaming of Afdah video site and enjoy the best of cinema without any hassle.
2023, Afdah Tv Shows, Drama, Thriller