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Watson S01E05

Watson S01E05
Title: Watson S01E05
Ratings: 7.4/10
Runtime: 43m
Genres: Drama, Mystery
Director: Tara Nicole Weyr
Writer: Craig Sweeny, Sharde Miller, Neal Dusedau
Actor: Morris Chestnut, Eve Harlow, Peter Mark Kendall
Language: English

Description: Watson S01E05, “The Man with the Glowing Chest,” indeed features a man with a bright chest. However, the episode revolves around a 26-year-old who battles sickle cell disease. Taryn has suffered from illness all of her life, and her attacks became so bad that they could kill her. There is a sickle cell disease cure, but it costs millions of dollars. He therefore chooses to illegally copy the process with Shinwell and Toby’s assistance. His team comes up and finds out while they conduct it at night away from the main office. The truth is left to both of them and Mary, who investigates Taryn’s blood samples. It gets harder to ignore when Taryn has a pulmonary embolism. Visit Afdah info for more movies and TV shows.

2025, Drama, Mystery