Title: Last Seen Alive 2022
Ratings: 5.9/10
Runtime: 1h 29m
Genres: Action, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Brian Goodman
Writer: Marc Frydman
Actor: Gerard Butler, Jaimie Alexander, Russell Hornsby
Language: English
Ratings: 5.9/10
Runtime: 1h 29m
Genres: Action, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Brian Goodman
Writer: Marc Frydman
Actor: Gerard Butler, Jaimie Alexander, Russell Hornsby
Language: English
Description: Last Seen Alive 2022 is about Will Spann, who travels with his wife Lisa to his in-laws. Their relationship is on the rocks and they try to work on it before they get divorced. When the two stop at a gas station along the way, Lisa suddenly gets lost. Will enlists the help of the police and informs Lisa of what happened to her parents. Because Will thinks the police are taking too long, he decides to investigate himself. Thanks to his rebellious actions during his own investigation, Will is increasingly appearing as a suspect to the police and Lisa’s parents. To prove his innocence, he must find Lisa before he ends up in jail himself. To enjoy free movies and tv shows, you can visit to Afdah movies website anytime.
Review of the movie Last Seen Alive 2022.
This film contains a lot of action and tension, so it never drags. The sound and soundtrack are also excellent. Gerard Butler carries the most of the weight of the picture. It’s worth watching in the this website.