Title: Neon Lights 2022
Ratings: 4.7/10
Runtime: 1h 34m
Genres: Thriller
Director: Rouzbeh Heydari
Writer: Dana Abraham, Nikolas Benn, Rouzbeh Heydari
Actor: Dana Abraham, Kim Coates, Brenna Coates
Language: English
Ratings: 4.7/10
Runtime: 1h 34m
Genres: Thriller
Director: Rouzbeh Heydari
Writer: Dana Abraham, Nikolas Benn, Rouzbeh Heydari
Actor: Dana Abraham, Kim Coates, Brenna Coates
Language: English
Description: Neon Lights 2022 follows the brilliant tech thinker in Rouzbeh, Clay. He has been thrust into the spotlight after his company’s success. But, he is beginning to fracture as a result of the stresses of business and his past familial tragedy. Clay chooses to take a vacation and gather his family to a remote home. Clay was adopted together with his two brothers by a man named Denver. His younger brother, James, is still young and hoping to ride Clay’s coattails. Benny, his other brother, takes his wife Clarissa and their daughter Blair to the mansion to reunite with Clay, whom they haven’t seen in a long time. You can discover new movies and shows of Hollywood on Afdah2 website, whenever you want.
Review of the movie Neon Lights 2022.
Dana Abraham portrays a difficult yet identifiable figure buried in an unpredictable plot in the best psychological thriller of the year so far. A must-see film that is thrilling, disturbing, and peppered with humor.