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York Witches Society 2022

York Witches Society 2022
Title: York Witches Society 2022
Ratings: 4.2/10
Runtime: 1h 28m
Genres: Horror
Director: Liza Bolton
Writer: Liza Bolton, Philippe Martinez, Brian Marchetti
Actor: Tina Louise Owens, Adwoa Akoto, Louise Bangay
Language: English
Description: Amber Gray who is a distant relative of England’s last witch. She enlists in her first year at college. She inadvertently carries the strength of her ancestors with her. She becomes entangled in the pomp and ceremony of the school’s elite society, The York Witches’ Society, as her magical skills gradually begin to manifest. Amber and her new pals inadvertently unleash an ancient evil that is hell-bent on eliminating the Gray lineage while getting inducted into the “coven” of pupils. The young women rapidly come to the realization that they might not survive another night as the mysterious evil starts its witch hunt. Stream famous Afdah movies online and top IMDb shows 2022 for free of cost.

Review of the movie York Witches Society 2022.
This film added a feeling of fantasy and adventure to such a gloomy, miserable period. Liza Bolton is a genuinely amazing filmmaker that makes her viewers feel completely immersed in her movies. What more could you want for than a suspenseful plot and excellent acting? Such a fun and unique experience.

2022, Horror